To watch your blood sugar level, you need to pay more attention to the foods you eat. It’s important to eliminate as many sugary, starchy and processed foods as you can.
Here are eight of the top low GI foods to add to your diet to keep it interesting, nutritionally dense, and your blood sugar under control:
Green leafy veges contain high levels of nutrients that can help the body fight inflammation. They’re also versatile in that they can be added to any type of diet in many different dishes.
Fruit is often not recommended due to the amount of sugar they contain. Citrus fruits, particularly oranges, may, however, be a healthy choice due to the antioxidants they contain.
Berries, such as blueberries, for example, only contain 10g of carbs in ½ a cup, which is well below the 15-20g that is typically allocated for a snack. Additionally, berries tastes great, they are versatile and can be used in many different recipes, and they contain a variety of nutrients that are good for your health overall.
Plain yogurt.
Forget the fruity types, go for plain yogurt and it’s classified as a healthy food. For one, plain or Greek yogurt contains far less sugar than sweetened types, but they also contain bacterial cultures.
Don’t just add any fish to your list of preferred healthy foods, add fatty fish. Why? It contains healthy fatty acids such as omega 3s. Eating fish like salmon, mackerel or herring 2-3 times a week is advised.
Eggs can contribute a whole whack of health benefits. They contain good quality protein and fats, which can help to keep your hunger at bay and reduce your cravings for sugar.
Nuts and seeds.
As a snack, in salads, soups or stews, or used to make healthy treats, you may not yet have realised just how versatile nuts and seeds are as healthy foods. They add healthy fats and oils to your diet, help to increase your fibre intake – which contribute to healthy blood sugar levels – and they taste great. Choose flax seeds, chia seeds, pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts and hazelnuts as your go-to.
Yacon root.
If you thought you could never have sugar again, think again. You can still enjoy something sweet, as long as you choose the right foods. Yacon root, which is a type of root vegetable, has been found to contain compounds that have been shown to support healthy blood sugar level and energy consumption management. An extract from the root can safely be used as a low GI sweetener in food and beverages.
As you can see, there are so many choices available that don’t only taste great, but add a wide range of nutrients to your diet, and supporting healthy blood sugar at the same time.